September 11th 2013 was the last day that I lived with out having cancer in my life. It's been a a year since then and so much has changed. My life will never be the same, cancer will now be apart of me forever. But i have done the fight and won. This time last year I was having a great day. I was flying with a great crew headed to many great layovers. Never thought that within the next year that I would have to go through 2 more surgeries, fertility stuff, chemo, radiation, move to dallas and leave flying full time. In a way the cancer has helped. Jeremy would still be stuck in a job he hates and i would be commuting from slc to phx. Now I get to go home every night while getting to stay with my company. I can always go back to flying but I gave a year commitment to this assignment so next summer I can. But i don't think I want to until I could be based in Dallas.
I can't say I wish the past year didn't happen I do wish the cancer had never come but all the good that did come out of it I am grateful for. Can't wait to see what happens in the next year.