Sunday, September 15, 2013

the scariest word I know

As I told you in my last post I had surgery to remove a lump from my breast. My doctor who first felt it and saw my ultra sound said it looked noon cancerous. The surgeon who took out the lump said the exact same thing. So I went back to work on Wednesday got an amazing trip with amazing people. Flew from Phoenix to Charlotte then out to Portland. Had a 24 hour layover and planned all these amazing things to go do because I have  never been there.
So in the morning my crew (sarah, rebecca, and carl) and I went to the metro and got on to head down town to get done voodoo doughnuts then keep exploring Portland. We got off the metro and I was guiding. I had to pause because my doctors office was calling.
Then the one weird I didn't ever want to hear I heard. Cancer. After that I blacked out. Everyone was so so positive it wasn't cancer and then blam.. Cancer.
So there I am in the middle of Portland crying trying to figure out anything what to do how to feel. Luckily my crew was with me and they helped me figure out what to do. I called in sick to work. My doctor wanted me home that same day. No way I could have worked the rest of the trip. He was taking care of my emotional needs. I think it might be a while before I can work.
After calling in sick I tried to call Jeremy and my mom. Both of them were not in a place to answer the phone. I called then both straight for like 30 minutes. Finally my mom answered and I'm bawling telling her that I have cancer. She said she was coming home right then. She bought a plane ticket and was home that night. Jeremy finally called me back while I was on the metro back to the hotel to pack my things and head to the airport. I told him and the first thing he did is say he is driving home (he was working in Boise).
I got a direct flight on southwest from Portland to slc. I was crying on and off the entire day. I couldn't tell anyone I wasn't ready. The only people who knew were my mom Jeremy and his family.
We don't know what stage I have our what I might have to do but they said I need one more surgery and chemo.
On Monday I am getting an MRI Tuesday and Thursday meeting with doctors to plan out the surgery and treatment options.
I'll try to keep this updated as it goes on but who knows how this is going to go.
I just can't believe that I have breast cancer.

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