Sunday, December 2, 2012

Catching up

So now that I surprised Nicole for her birthday and all that I can fill you in on whats going on. The FBI didnt like my fingerprints so they have to go through my past to prove I am who I say I am.  It sucks that I didnt get to start flying, but I got to come home and spend time with Jere.

I started a season job at Fotofly, helping show parents their pictures of their kids with Santa. This job is so much fun full time so Im getting extra money which is nice.

I also have the chance to interview with United Airlines on December 18th. Mainline! holy crap! I really hope I get it. So perfect. The cities are better and international is that much closer. I am learning French, which is more likely to help me get a line in the future.

So thats whats going on with me being in the sky. Hopefully very soon Ill get out there ASAP